Tööriided ja töökaitsevahendid



Õmblus- ja puidutootmine


Õmblus- ja puidutootmine

Sponsorship and Social responsibility

Social responsibility

Multi Marger by its governing board considers following things to be priority in everyday life: healthy diet and living environment, good music and company, helping others, family values and development of local community. So we are trying to organize our company and production with keeping these values and principles in mind. Also we have helped to organize and sponsor events associated with our perceptions. Through the years we have cooperated with different non-profit organizations to carry out different charity events, seminars, concerts and festivals and if possible we are planning to continue doing that.


We have targeted our money mainly to active local youth. We have sponsored BC Rakvere Tarvas, motocross riders Kristjan Rätsep and Markko Tull and several other musicians and athletes.

We have 3 guests online
www.multimarger.ee / About Us / Sponsorship and Social responsibility
© 2010 - 2024 | Multi Marger AS | Pikk 26 Rakvere 44307 | Telefon (+372) 32 95 830 | E-post info[at]multimarger.ee
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